Sunday 17 June 2018

North Korea

Last week's photo opportunity did not resolve the Korean War, which is still technically underway. Both leaders got the kudos they needed - and Kim Jong Un got those nasty military exercises stopped.


The absolute fraud that is this "deal" is destined to fail, and rather soon.  

On one side, the North Koreans have undertaken to stop developing their nuclear weapons and missiles four times before. Their undertakings are always 100% bull shit. 

"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me for the fifth time, I must be Donald 'Man-Baby' Trump."

On the other side, the man-baby who is Donald Trump is guaranteed to flip when he finally realizes that he has been had.

And so, within 6 months, intercontinental ballistic missiles will again fly; nuclear bombs will go off; live fire exercises will be restored.

The world will be a more dangerous place.

No, Mr. President, Kim Jong Un isn't interested in condos. He is interested in keeping power, and this path to continual power comes from his ability to blackmail the West...and for that, he needs lots and lots of missiles and bombs.

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