Tuesday 3 July 2018

Cohen Rocks and Rolls! AND Collusion versus Obstruction.

As I have noted here many times, Mueller needs Cohen, Manafort and Hicks to flip. If there was any collusion between Trump et al and the Russians - i.e. Clinton e-mails guaranteed to land her in prison and hand the presidency to Trump, in return for the relaxation of sanctions on Russia - these people would know.

Manafort goes to trial on July 25th. I would think that his lawyers are negotiating with Mueller right now.

Cohen is ending his defence agreement whereby his counsel shares information and tactics with Trump's lawyers, and he advised ABC news over the weekend that, "My wife, my daughter and my son have my first loyalty and always will. I put family and country first." 

A.K.A. "I'm ready to roll."

Cohen had previously said that he would take a bullet for Trump. Apparently, there was an asterisk at the end of that promise, which highlighted the following qualifier...

"'Take a bullet' should be interpreted so as to say, "Unless, in the fullness of time, I should face the prospect of incarceration stemming from various activities undertaken on behalf of the aforementioned Donald Trump, in which case I will review the 'take a bullet' undertaking in the light of my preference to remain at liberty and to not be incarcerated, and I will - after due consideration - flip like a pathetic "nothing burger" at the BBQ of perpetual fear and loathing.'"  

Translation - "Mr. Mueller, make me an offer and I will spill every bean I know of, everywhere."

One would think that Cohen will also cooperate with the NYC Attorney General, and that he has a relentless pile of damaging evidence to offer on Trump, far beyond anything related to possible collusion. Given that sitting presidents probably can't be charged with a crime, Trump may have to survive Mueller's investigation and run for office again in 2020 just to stay out jail.

Oh...where is Hope Hicks?

But what about the possible outcome of this investigation and Trump's future? 

The evidence will lead where it will lead, but from a political perspective there are only two real possibilities here.

1. No matter what else the investigation may lead to, if it leads to collusion-related charges against Trump's son and son in law, Trump is finished. 

2, If it does not lead to any collusion-related charges, but only to more obstruction charges and, most importantly, only to an allegation of obstruction against Trump related to the firing of Comey, then he will win the next presidential election in a landslide.  

A great and greatly flawed man speaks...

"Nothing would please the Kremlin more than to have the people of this country choose a second rate president." - Richard M. Nixon

Image result for nixon

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