Sunday 22 July 2018

What does Mueller know?

Mueller is MILES ahead of his opponents, both political opponents and all present and future defendants. 

W-I-R-E-D magazine has been consistently providing some of the best coverage of the investigation.

Here is what they had to say about what Muelle knows..

"The sheer volume of what Robert Mueller knows is staggering. Perusing his various court filings since last September makes clear he knew the individual changes Paul Manafort made in a specific Microsoft Word document; he knew that Dutch lawyer Alex van der Zwaan was lyingabout what he did on behalf of Manafort and Gates; he knew the specific times Russia military intelligence officers were searching specific wordsway back in 2016; he knew the specific cryptocurrency transactions used to register the Russian intelligence agency accounts; he knows what the hired trolls at the Internet Research Agency were writing in emails to their family members in 2017; he knew the messages Manafort was sending on encrypted messaging services."


"...the signature lesson of Mueller’s inquiry at every turn has been that his investigators knows far, far, far more than anyone in the public expected. Just ask the GRU military intelligence officers who are sitting in their office wondering how Mueller knew that on June 15, 2016, between 4:19 pm and 4:56 pm Moscow local time, they searched the web for the English phrase “company’s competence” hours before it appeared in the inaugural blog post by “Guccifer 2.0”?"

See here...

It is very well worth a read.

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