Saturday 14 July 2018

Mueller Goes Political

Mueller charged 12 Russians with conspiracy against the USA for having hacked the Democratic National Committee - the source of the WikiLeaks - the day before Trump's meeting with Putin. 

The timing of these indictments was 100% political.

Mueller has entered a new phase in his investigation. The timing of the indictments is designed to have an effect on Trump's foreign policy vis a vis Russia - to expose it as a dangerous dalliance with a perpetual enemy of America - and to subvert his political support at home by showing that Trump is dancing with the devil.

He would not have done this unless he was VERY confident about the indictments to follow.

A few notes.

The DNC e-mails released on WikiLeaks were NOT fake news, and revealed a deeply demented politics at the heart of the Democratic Party, led by Hillary Clinton and her minions. These people are deeply corrupt. She is only a few months away from announcing that she will run again! I think her daughter will be her running mate.

Trump's foreign policy is not totally crazy. 

The USA is massively in debt, and simply cannot afford to engage the world as it has in the past. Seeking negotiated settlements with North Korea and the Russians is logical where another war is simply not affordable. The problem is not the policy, but how Trump has gone about it, favouring fake personal relations with dictators over solid diplomacy. 

On that, asking NATO to spend more on defence is the same thing that Obama did. The difference is how the request was made; one with diplomacy that befits an ally; the others like a jerk who thinks allies are employees.

Trump's trade policy has some virtues. 

Addressing Chinese demands that US companies hand over the intellectual property before accessing the Chinese market, and forcing the Chinese, South Koreans, Japanese and Europeans to stop discriminating against US auto exports with massive tariffs, where the US has virtually none against their auto exports, was long overdue. The problem is that he has not been able to resist expanding the trade war that he has started.

New indictments are to follow...

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