Friday 16 August 2024

Trump and Harris - Bribery for Votes

Trump and Harris have started releasing their respective lists of bribes - in the form of economic policies - that they will extend to voters in their attempts to win the 2024 US presidential election.

Initial bribes are as follows...

Harris would offer $25,000 to new home buyers, as well as attacking price gouging of consumers of food and drugs by multinational corporations. 

She would spend $40 Billion to help local governments build starter homes. 

She would make the Child Tax Benefit permanent, and would cut the taxes of poor people with children by $1,500 and would offer a $6,000 tax credit to families with newborns.

Trump would stop taxing tips received by service workers. About 25 million people in the USA are service workers, with a significant majority being women. 

Harris's plan is an expansion of much of what the US Government is already doing. 

Trump's plan just might get him the vote of every single service worker in the country!

So far, Trump's plan would clearly move the most votes to the GOP.

Note to political matters.

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