Monday 12 August 2024

US Presidential Election - Fearless Prediction!!

Hello All!  

We are going to call it!  

To heck with CNN and Fox and the Deep State (😉)! 

The editorial board here at will call the US Presidential Election for you right now, three months before the vote! 

Drum roll please...

In the closest election in American history, Kamala Harris will win the US Presidential Election by 270 Electoral College votes to Donald Trump's 268.

The entire election will come down to the vote in Pennsylvania, which Harris will win by less that 0.5% of the popular vote.

Trump will not accept the results of the election, but J.D. Vance will, effectively nullifying Trump's vigorous opposition to the verdict of the electorate.

Bonus prediction!

President Kamala Harris will be a catastrophe as President, overseeing a devastating recession; vacillating on the international stage to the detriment of American and allied security; as well as being completely ineffective in the face of serious internal political strife occasioned by a widening US culture war, clearing the way for President Nikki Haley in 2028.

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