Saturday 26 May 2018

Cohen Cashes In!

So, Cohen, Trump’s personal lawyer and fixer, met a wealthy Russian financier at Trump Tower just before the inauguration. Apparently,they net three times. There is no way that the Oligarch is not directly connected to Putin. 

Cohen also received $1 Million in a consulting contract, ostensibly for insight into Trump. Or, was this cash really for Trump, flowing via Cohen? It is hard to imagine that he could be bought by the Russians for $1 million, but where there is a money trail it needs to be followed, as small money often leads to to bigger things. 

Not evidence of collusion, but likely the first evidence of money flowing directly to a Trump loyalist in and around the campaign and inauguration from what is ostensibly a direct connection to Putin.

How can anyone be calling for the end to this investigation!?

NO COLLUSION! Just cold hard cash...

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