Friday 11 May 2018

Of Mice and Moles

The WSJ is apparently reporting today that the FBI may have had a “mole” in the Trump campaign in 2016! This information has actually been out for a while, but the FBI has been ordered to hand over information to Congress about this, so the Nutbar Press has seized on it today.

Specifically, many in the “conspiracy theory” press, which now includes FOX News and other mainstream providers, sees Deep State shenanigans! According to their argument, Obama and the FBI subverted American freedoms by infiltrating a presidential campaign with political spies! What is this, Russia!?

But previous reports suggest that this person was a “walk in” whistle blower who voluntarily provided information to the FBI. This is crucial because if the Nutbar Press is correct in saying that the FBI “hid” a mole in the campaign, this would strongly imply that the person was placed there by the FBI to spy. This could represent the Deep State destroying America...or it could mean that the FBI had serious enough concerns about the Trump team to put them under surveillance, which is their job.

If is the opposite true, and the mole went to the FBI on their own accord with their concerns about Russia and the campaign - which appears to be the case - then this very strongly suggests that there may have been collusion. After all, why else would anyone have approach the FBI...what whistle did they have to blow?? With someone approaching them with this type of story, was the FBI supposed to just ignore this?

So what does this mean, and can we reasonably know?

This person is apparently real and they likely have real evidence to present, so this strengthens the suspicion that the Trump campaign tried to subvert American freedom by selling itself to Russia. The scenario which claims Deep State subversion only makes sense of the person was planted by the FBI. Apparently, they were not.

The FBI also apparently kept information about the informant from the congressional investigation into possible collusion. The FBI says it withheld this source out of concern for the life of the person – think about what this says about the level of the FBI’s trust in politicians! This is further fuelling the conspiracy madness which is mocking this concern as a cheap cover for an illicit infiltration.

So what does this mean, and can we reasonably know?

Either the FBI is making up their concern about a possible threat to the life of this person to cover their shenanigans, or the threat is real which strongly suggests that the evidence that this person may have brought to bear is potentially earth shaking; so much so, that those who colluded with Russia would consider killing them rather than have it come out.

Congress likely now has access to this information. We will probably find out who this person is shortly.

To digress...every story related to possible collusion is now being spun by the press and the servants of the Democrats and Republicans in diametrically different ways. One is rationale, the other is borderline treasonous designed to shake the faith that persons have in American institutions for cheap political gain.

Is it fair to say that the US has not has as serious an existential crisis as this since their Civil War? 

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