Saturday 26 May 2018

"Deep State"...What if?

Does Trump represent the catalyst for “the end of the USA”….coasting an undercurrent of discontent to permanently change the place?

It would take Trump plus all of his supporters, aiders and abettors in the media and elsewhere to “end the USA as we know it”, as he can’t do it on his own.  Nonetheless, Trump’s call to investigate the FBI for possible political influence in their investigation of his possible collusion with Russia and their surveillance of his campaign - after they had evidence that at least one person actually was talking to the Russians (Papadoloulos) - is so unprecedented and absolutely outrageous, so obviously designed to undo that organization, that it is actually hard to find a parallel.  

Note - if this sticks, the precedent could undermine all future police investigations of serious malfeasance by important members of the executive in that country.  Every time someone is investigated, they just scream "deep state!", and everything goes away! America's future? Think America as Venezuela or Russia…ironically enough.

A parallel from the past? Maybe England. Henry the 8th launched the Reformation in England after the Pope – representing the orthodoxy and traditions of his era - refused him a divorce. He dissolved the Catholic convents and monasteries, and restored only those orders subservient to him. He confiscated Church lands and enriched himself and his buddies. He killed thousands of Catholic clergy and adherents, and inaugurated legal discrimination against Catholics that lasted for centuries. His was a complete reordering of social, societal, religious and political norms in that country that is still with us. 

Mueller represents the orthodoxy and traditions of his age – rule of law…proper role of bureaucracy…sacrosanctity of police investigations….old style “law and order” Republicans. 

Trump is a rebel against that orthodoxy, and maybe he has been able to tap into a society that is in rebellious enough a mood to bring about change, just as Henry 8th understood that he could take advantage of the Reformation for “shits and giggles” (which is what they called “the rack” in the Middle Ages.) Trump is powered forward by an almost totally bankrupt and compromised media – Henry was powered by the disciples of Luther. 

“The first thing we must do is kill all the lawyers.” This comes from Shakespeare's Henry IV.  It was meant to signify one true path to tyranny – get rid of the most obvious guardians of the law – the lawyers. It is hard to watch what is going on South of the border without a tremendous degree of concern. 

On that, there is a virtual war afoot against the special prosecutor, led by the President of the USA in person, and coordinated with subservient minions in the press. Even Nixon didn’t do this. What is the logical end to the relentless character assassination of Mueller? Will he actually be assassinated by a cranked-up Hannity disciple who will rid Trump of “this bothersome copper”?  Is he a future Thomas Becket?

What may Trump do next?  

If he actually thinks the FBI is the “deep state” working for certain illegitimate political actors and for itself and against an elected President and against the USA (…he called them the “deep state” just last week), would he not have to “take out” those responsible? I mean,if he really believe this, would he not have to take real action?

Asking the FBI to investigate the FBI is not what you would do if you actually think the whole place is totally corrupt and disloyal. Does he use Army or CIA against the FBI at some point? Does he take a page from Erdogan, and arrest at least tens and maybe hundreds of “FBI sympathizers”, and hold them without trial – maybe send them to Gitmo where norms of American criminal process don’t exist? 

At first glance, this sounds absolutely insane, and I have a very difficult time thinking this is even remotely possible, but this is what a leader would actually do if an organ of the state were disloyal to the point of rebellion, which is the essential accusation that he is making against the FBI. We normally assume this talk and tweeting from Trump is just hyperbole…but is it all just hyperbole with this guy? 

So far, there is no obvious threat to Trump. As noted in this space, I think Manafort will eventually fold and confess that there was a deal with the Russians – “you get us the e-mails, and we relax the sanctions when we are in power”, which would represent a conspiracy against the USA…and treason. If Trump's son and son-in-law are charged based on Manafort's testimony and evidence, and Trump feels threatened, will he take very drastic action  as noted above to make sure those who oppose him are “eliminated”?….the script to support something like this has already been written.

America is changing, and not for the better.  

Middle Age England was a hilarious series of unfortunate events…beheadings, divorces, assassinations, mud and grime and plagues, peas and porridge in the pot for 9 days, virgin Queens, relentless civil wars and conquests and crusades and Armadas, Magna Cartas, intrigue. Seeing this chaos start to repeat itself in 21st century America isn’t nearly as much fun…hmmm…is Stormy Daniels our virgin Queen?

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