Saturday 21 April 2018

A Giuliani Special?

Thought de jour....did Trump bring on Giuliani, not to strengthen his legal team, but as Mueller's replacement after he has him fired?

Mueller is very close - Cohen will flip, then Hicks, then Manafort, in that order. Then Mueller will have the witness he needs to charge Kushner and Trump Jr.  Trump must know this is getting close to an uncomfortable end point for him - Kushner and Trump Jr. charged with conspiracy against the USA means impeachment.

Replacing Mueller with Giuliani would challenge Republicans to say "no" to one of their favourites - America's mayor. This would muddy the waters just enough to allow Trump to rid himself of that meddlesome copper, without a constitutional crisis.  

What Giuliani would do is not clear. He may move ahead with the investigation, but it is also very likely that he would just shut the whole thing down, perhaps claiming that the Republican dominated Congressional enquiry found no collusion.

Point - the Left has underestimated Trump since the day he announced his nomination. Maybe time to start recognising that he is many negative things, but "stupid" isn't one of them.


  1. Not sure I agree... for some reason I think POTUS has just been lucky in avoiding absolute political and personal disaster. I don't think there is a deep strategic mind behind the pout. It does make for interesting speculation.

  2. You may be right....he is a slippery character. Willingness to slip and slide opens up a range of options not open to us mere mortals.
