Sunday 29 April 2018

Manafort Fails

Manafort's legal challenge to mandate of the Special Prosecutor has failed.

It was a civil court challenge. He is still free to challenge the ambit of Mueller's authority in criminal court, but one would think that if he thought he had any chance of winning this in the criminal courts, he would have brought his challenge there instead.

And so, with his trial starting next month, one would think that Manafort is now the prime target for a Big Flip. His loss in civil court may also have dire implications for Cohen and Hicks who would have benefited from judge-imposed limits to Mueller' mandate. 

Watch the action which may now unfold very quickly...

Cohen flip...then...

Hicks flip...then...

Manafort flip...then...

Indictments that will rock the world. 

I have to think that Trump will try to move against Mueller this week. Will Sessions and Rosenstein resign rather that fire him? What if Giuliani is the proposed replacement?

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