Monday 16 April 2018

Comey v Trump Redux

Well, Comey has shown his true colours, and they are shockingly partisan. 

He has a tell-all book coming out! He has compared Trump a mobster. He looked at his hair! 

He is on the talk show circuit and has suggested Trump is immoral and that voters should reject him. The Comey Show has been relaunched…all Comey, all the time!

Here is an earlier blog about about Comey. 

“More than that, this man is manifestly incompetent. He has noted that it is a standard operating procedure to not comment on ongoing investigations, and if any FBI agent had done what he just did in confirming the investigation into Russia and Trump, they would have been fired - by Comey. He has now gone public about ongoing investigations not once, but four times in the last 9 months, and has personally affected the outcome of a US Presidential election. Far from following the Golden Rule of "no comment", one is left wondering if he ever does anything else? He needs to go. Now.”

Civil servants are supposed to stay out of the political process, both when they are in office and afterward. In contrast, Comey simply cannot keep his mouth shut! When will he will decide to be a professional?

Comey was fired – one of the few good things Trump has done. Thank goodness he is no longer leading the investigation into possible Russian involvement in the last US presidential election. Imagine where this Publicity Hound would have led this investigation!

In contrast, what have you heard from Mueller? Try, nothing.  His silence is speaking volumes where Comey’s constant pronouncements only caused confusion.

Back to the dustbin of history with you!

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