Saturday 14 April 2018

New Poli-Sci Terminology!

Forget Monarchy, Tyranny and Democracy! 

Now, for the modern age, new terms for different types of governments!

Hippicracy – a form of government in which former hippies are in power (see also “Potocracy”, “Weedocracy” and Canada) 

Burpocracy – a form of government in which babies are in power (see also “Poohocracy” and “Cryocracy”)

Dude!ocracy – a form of government in which surfers are in power.

Mortocracy – a form of government in which the dead are in power (see also “Kaputocracy” and “Zombocracy”)

Mobocracy – a form of government in which Mobsters are in power (see also many countries in Eastern Europe and South America, and New Jersey)

Skirtocracy – a form of government in which women are in power in a deeply sexist country (see also “Babocracy” and “Laundrocacy”)

Golfocracy – a form of government in which the rich are in power (see also the USA)

Bollyocracy – a form of government in which people from the Indian subcontinent are in power (see also “Curryocracy”)

Vikocracy – form of government in which violent sea-born raiders are in power (see also “Piratocracy” and Somalia)

Coiffocracy – a form of government in which hairdressers are in power (see also “Do-ocracy” and France)

Sonocracy – a form of government in which sons of previous rulers are in power (see also Canada and North Korea)

McOcracy – a form of government in which fast food chains are in government (see also “Timocracy”, “A&Wocracy” and “Wendocracy”)

Churchocracy – a form of government in which words and language are in power (see also “Lincolnocracy” and “Obamocracy – First Term”)

10-ocracy – a form of government in which the beautiful people are in power (see also “Plastocracy”, “GinaLollabrigocracy” and “Bo-ocracy”)

Willocracy – a form of government in which strong men are in power (see also the UK from 1979 to 1990, and Germany)

Image result for plato

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