Saturday 14 April 2018

What Is Mueller Doing?

Mueller is following a very simple script.

The crime he is investigating is the conspiracy against the USA that was committed when Manafort, Trump Jr., and Kushner met a representative of the Russian state for the purpose of receiving damaging information about Clinton that was acquired by that state, which was to be used to subvert a US presidential election.  

To prosecute, he needs evidence, and in this case he needs one of the three conspirators to take the stand, admit to the conspiracy, and finger the other two. That person is obviously Manafort.

The charges against Gates, the raid on Cohen's office, the pursuit of Flynn and Papadopoulos are all designed to circle the wagons on Manafort to get him to a point where it is clear that he will be convicted and spend years if not decades in jail. With that in hand, Mueller will do a deal in return for Manafort's testimony.  

When he files indictments against the president's son and son-in-law outlining, in detail, the conspiracy against the country, Trump will resign as his impending impeachment with wide Republican support will be obvious.

Mueller is almost there. 

The three things that need to happen are: 1) Manafort's challenge of the scope of Mueller's mandate needs to be defeated; 2) legal challenges of the raid on Cohen's office also must fail; and, 3) Hope Hicks needs to be charged and agree to cooperate with Mueller. 

This will all come to pass rather soon. I do not think Trump will be president when the primaries arrive in the fall.

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