Saturday 28 April 2018


News!! Veselnitskaya works for the Russian State! Of course she does.

This matters because she was the person whom Kushner, Trump Jr., and Manafort met with in June 2016, for the express purpose of receiving damaging information about Clinton from the Russian state. 

The cover story is that she did not represent the Russian state, and that she only wanted to discuss her clients and adoption of Russian children = NO COLLUSION!  

That BS story was apparently concocted by Trump himself and Hope Hicks, as they received information about the meeting from Cohen. All of this is no doubt in Cohen's e-mail traffic which is now accessible by Mueller. Now we know that these men actually met a representative of Russia - the real story of what happened at that meeting has yet to be told...and the cover story is almost blown.  

The author of this blog watches RT = Russia Today - almost daily. In one interview on RT some months ago, Veselnitskaya actually admitted to handing these men a dossier of information about Clinton and the Democrats to review at that meeting, only to be told that these men were already aware of the information she had to share. In light of this, and confirmation that she works for Putin, w
e are now at the point where we can confirm that a representative of the Russian state actually did meet with and shared information with American citizens for the express purpose of subverting an American presidential election. 

Was there a deal where information was to be provided by Russia in return for the lifting of US sanctions once Trump was elected - the very thing Flynn was focused on in his dealings with the Russians? If yes, that would be tantamount to treason.

Some thoughts.

The Republican dominated Congressional enquiry into possible collusion confirmed yesterday that, in their opinion, there wasn't any. 

Isn't it rather convenient that we find out that Veselnitskaya was a Russian representative at this all-important meeting - the entire focus of Mueller's work, in my opinion - on the very day that the Republicans hang themselves out to dry with a deeply self-serving report that ties them to the Bad Ship Trump, and to everything else that is coming? The confirmation that she works for Putin was perfectly timed to deeply discredit this report the day it came out, as it apparently makes NO MENTION of this fact. This is like having an enquiry into how the Titanic sank that neglects to mention the iceberg.

Manafort is supposed to go to trial in May. Events will start moving very quickly now, both on Mueller's behalf and on behalf of the Trump Team. As noted in this space, expect Cohen, Hicks and Manafort to flip soon. If Trump is going to have Mueller fired, he will also do it very soon. Hold on to your hats!

Finally, this situation dwarfs Watergate in terms of its importance.  That was a scandal concerning nefarious dealings within the structure of American politics and democracy. This situation represents an attempt to sell out one's country for political gain. Nixon was many things, but a sell-out to American was definitely not one of them. 

And Trump? When the truth finally comes out, who will be left who believes that he didn't know?

1 comment:

  1. Hold the iceberg from Russia may sink the good ship GOP?! Whoaaa!
