Saturday 14 April 2018

Toronto House Prices

Fun with math…

If you bought a house in Toronto in early May, 2017, you were down 20% by late August – 12 weeks later.

If you bought a house in late August, 2017, you were up 10% by mid-October – 9 weeks later.

If you bought a house in mid-October, you were down 13% by mid-January – 9 weeks later.

If you bought a house in mid-January, you were up 17% by mid-March – 8 weeks later.

And if you bought 3 weeks ago, you are already down 4%.

Overall, since this time last year, you are down about 10%.

Does this seems normal to you!!???

Image result for yoyo

1 comment:

  1. What about in Ottawa - the real center of the universe.
