Tuesday 6 November 2018

A New Humanity?

Toward A New World...

Are we on the cusp of a revolution in Humanity – a new era of accomplishment, progress, contentment, balance?

The past has been a horror show. 

At the state level, we have had war and genocide, oppression, ignorance and Kleptocracy in its many forms since forever…for multiple thousands of years, much of Humanity on earth was an absolute catastrophe.

At the individual level, people were often awful to one another for eons, with this abuse ranging from parental neglect and violence, to slavery, with it all manifesting itself in a wide range of pathologies – addictions, cycles of abuse, crime and base meanness on a colossal scale.

Are we on the cusp of ending all of this?

Consider this.

After WW1, WW2, and the Great Depression, and the subsequent development of international institutions - as well as after a century of asking serious questions about the origins of war and other horrors - as well as decades of learning how to grow economies and scientific advances - we now have a pretty good idea how to stop wars and a wide range of horrors and evil that emanates from states and how to address basic economic needs – even to become wealthy. 

We do not always choose the best paths that are open to us, but we can actually see those paths to peace and prosperity now if we want to look for them.

At the individual level, we have a century of psychological enquiry to look back on. We do have a pretty good idea of the interrelationship between abuse and maladjustment later in life. We can precisely define the source of scourges like addiction that used to lay entire societies low. 

Again, we do not always choose the best paths that are open to us, but we do actually see those paths now if we want to recognize them.

What if we did actually choose the right paths?

The future could be a world at peace, where there is respect for people’s freedoms and the elimination of want.

We could see humans become individuals who are free of the burdens of abuse and neglect, and encouraged and enabled to become who they may be meant to be in some Utopian space.

This is actually conceivable. It has never been so before, in the history of our time on earth. Now that we know, there is a great clamouring to get there.  

We just might!

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