Friday 9 November 2018

Mueller Probe and Justice

Trump probably acted too late. 

Whitaker has been made acting AG for the sole purpose of at least trying to limit what the probe will look at, especially Trump family finances.  This has come too late for Trump, as the final report is apparently being written, and Trump family finances are probably being looked at by the prosecutors in New York City with the help of Mr. Cohen. 

To "win this", Trump had to fire Sessions then grab control of the Mueller investigation months ago in order to block what it would find out, and save himself from having to endure the fallout from his final report. 

Now, after Mueller has indicted and/or got guilty pleas from 32 people and three companies (including four former Trump advisers), and showing that Russia clearly tried to influence that 2016 presidential election - collusion or not - this probe is probably not going anywhere other than forward.

Nonetheless, those who want it to continue will have to fight for it - American justice is in for a fight here unlike anything since Nixon. 

Which raises a question - where is Hope Hicks in all of this? Did she finally cooperate with the investigation? 

Along with Manafort and Cohen, Hicks is the key to understanding what happened when Manafort, Kushner and Trump Jr., met the Russians in June of 2016.  If there was collusion, it would have shown itself at that meeting, possibly involving a tentative deal (e.g. damaging information from Russia about Clinton in return for a relaxation of sanctions on Russia) that was negotiated in the six days before these people met, and after Trump Jr. found out that the Russians had damaging information on Clinton. As Trump's right hand and closest confidant at that time, Hicks would have been "in the know"...her evidence is crucial.

I suspect that we may be in for a few more surprises this month, including this...

...the revelation of Hicks' cooperation with Mueller....

....a Republican Senate abandoning a Republican president and standing for justice in opposition to shutting down the investigation...

....certain Right Wing media talking heads under investigation for participation in a conspiracy to obstruct justice....

....the New York AG issuing new indictments against certain Trump loyalists related to financial dealings.

Take heart - America learned much from Nixon. 

We are about to be reminded that American institutions and democratic traditions are stronger than any one individual, even the most powerful one. 

Sometimes justice actually does prevail.

Image result for scales of justice cartoon

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