Thursday 29 November 2018

Canadian Political Ethics and Trump

I'm a Canadian. We have very well-defined ethical standards in my country when it comes to police investigations and politicians.

If an investigation is underway, politicians are expected to say NOTHING regarding the investigation to ensure that there is no chance that they may inadvertently affect its outcome. Politicians who do make such comments typically have to resign.

When the politicians themselves are in any way considered to be the subject of such an investigation, they must step aside for its duration. They may return to office afterward should they be cleared of any wrong-doing, but the rule is clear -  investigations are considered to be more important than any one person's career.

Consider this...

"While the disgusting Fake News is doing everything within their power not to report it that way, at least 3 major players are intimating that the Angry Mueller Gang of Dems is viciously telling witnesses to lie about facts & they will get relief. This is our Joseph McCarthy Era!"

And this...

"The Mueller Witch Hunt is a total disgrace. They are looking at supposedly stolen Crooked Hillary Clinton Emails (even though they don’t want to look at the DNC Server), but have no interest in the Emails that Hillary DELETED & acid washed AFTER getting a Congressional Subpoena!"

It goes on and on.

Trump's deranged Twitter tirades are simply unthinkable in a Canadian context. Anything like this would see demands for the immediate resignation of the author of such Tweets, with support for the person's resignation from across the political spectrum.

This is not a matter of "...vive la difference!" It is a matter of either having ethics, or of not having them at all.

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