Thursday 1 November 2018

Market Predictions!

As noted in an earlier blog, I was wrong for two years! However, stock markets have since pulled back in a big way!

But now, the quiet period from earnings season is almost over.

Expect companies to bail back in buying their own shares back, with mangers pumping prices so they can blow out their options just in time for Christmas.

A rising market will stop all demands that the US Fed slow its rate of interest rate increase, and rates will be raised again in December.

Rising rates will burst the bubbles that central banks have blown up worldwide - housing, retail, and stock markets. 

After this last buy-back driven hurrah, expect markets to pull back even more sharply in the new year, especially as it becomes obvious that the USA is entering into a recession driven by those same higher rates.

What the US Fed gives, the US Fed is about to take away. 

Holding all short positions.

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