Thursday 1 November 2018

Midterms Predictions

Fearless Prediction*

Judgement Day is next Tuesday. I think the House of Representatives is in the bag for the Democrats. Here is how I think the Senate will work out.

The Democrats/Independents have 27 seats up for grabs compared to 8 for the Republicans, so they are at a distinct disadvantage.  I expect all but one of the Democrats to hold on to their seats, although four are considered toss-ups. The Independents, who lean Democrat, will also win.

The loss? I think North Dakota goes Republican, otherwise Democrats hold.

What about the Republicans?

I think Arizona goes Democrat. I think Nevada goes Democrat. I think Ted Cruz may also lose in Texas by a whisker – Trumpians don't like him and could stay home, and Trump’s actions against the caravan, and separating families before that, will anger many Latinos who will show up and vote Democrat in droves. 

This gives us 50 Democrat/Independent seats to 50 Republicans.

But Wait! There’s More!

There will be no clear winner in Mississippi, so there will be a run off on November 27th. This would normally be a clear victory for Trump/Republicans as Mississippi is Blood Red. Game over???

But wait! There’s More!

Right after the mid-terms, I think Mueller will release an interim report into what he has found thus far, showing massive Russian influence on the Trump campaign - not collusion, but enough influence to turn every head.  Sessions/Rosenstein will make the report public. Trump will then fire Sessions and Rosenstein, and set up someone to take their place (Giuliani?) who will then fire Mueller.

This will remake the Mississippi race.  The key turning point will be Mueller himself, who, once he has been fired will be free to speak out – think “When I volunteered to defend America and was wounded while fighting for my country in Vietnam while cowards shirked their duty at home…the great traditions of this country demand strict adherence to the rule of law…” I think that his first public comments will be electric.  A 10% + Republican lead in the Mississippi race will evaporate, and the Democrats will take the seat.

That will give the Democrats/Independents 51 to the Republicans 49. 

*I am usually wrong,


  1. I am rooting for your prescience! This time there is no electoral college to thwart the "will of the people." So maybe, just maybe, you will be right!

  2. Didn't quiet go as you predicted. But you were correct on the House.

  3. No...the polls changed abruptly in the 48 hours before the vote. Trump is an effective campaigner - the Dems need to stop underestimating him.

  4. No, not as predicted! It never does!!! But the post-vote shenanigans have begun!
