Thursday 8 November 2018

Sessions No Longer In Session

On October 20th, I noted that there was a race on...

Trump has struck first.  

Sessions was fired yesterday, meaning that Mueller is now reporting to Matthew Whitaker. 

Recall, Sessions recused himself from any involvement with the Russia probe, meaning that Mueller reported to Rosenstein. With an acting AG who has not recused himself, Mueller now reports to that person.

The risk here is twofold.  

First, and obviously, that Mueller will be fired by Whitaker at Trump's request. What would follow would be the shutdown of the enquiry.

The second is that any report that Mueller issues, which goes to the Attorney General, will be kept private - there is no obligation to make it public.

I think Sessions/Rosenstein would have published it. Rosenstein is also surely finished; soon to follow Sessions.

What does American justice look like? 

Can it survive the machinations of the powerful? 

Many Republicans have insisted that the Mueller Probe has to move forward to its conclusion, following the evidence wherever it leads. Were they serious about this, or was this just political posturing before the mid-term elections?

We are about to find out the answer to these questions. 

American Justice has not faced a test like this since Nixon.

Image result for nixon

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